پژوهش بین الملل

دارای مجوز رسمی از وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی به شماره 85422

  به لطف و یاری خداوند متعال، فصلنامه پژوهش بین‌الملل آماده پذیرش مقالات علمی پژوهشگران ارجمند می باشد، لطفا مقالات خود را برابر شیوه نامه مجله تدوین نمایید 

پژوهش بين الملل Image

فصلنامه پژوهش بین‌الملل
ISSN 2783-1485

مدیرمسوول: دکتر مهدی پیرقلی

سردبیر: دکتر معصومه خسروآبادی

دبیر تخصصی: دکتر زهرا نجفی راد

رئیس گروه زبان انگلیسی: دکتر نسیم جهانشاهی

اعضای هیأت تحریریه

دکتر حسین فرحی

دکتر فاطمه کیهانلو

دکتر سعید عباسی

دکتر فرزانه سریر

دکتر حسین تفضلی

پژوهش بين الملل پژوهش بين الملل پژوهش بين الملل پژوهش بين الملل


قرار دیوان بین المللی دادگستری ـ ارمنستان علیه آذربایجان



خواسته ارمنستان از دیوان

11. At the end of its second round of oral observations, Armenia asked the Court to indicate the following provisional measures:

 ـ “Azerbaijan shall release immediately all Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees in its custody who were made captive during the September-November 2020 armed hostilities or their aftermath;

ـ Pending their release, Azerbaijan shall treat all Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees in its custody in accordance with its obligations under the CERD, including with respect to their right to security of person and protection by the State against all bodily harm, and permit independent medical and psychological evaluations for that purpose;

ـ Azerbaijan shall refrain from espousing hatred of people of Armenian ethnic or national origin, including by closing or suspending the activities of the Military Trophies Park;

 ـ Azerbaijan shall protect the right to access and enjoy Armenian historic, cultural and religious heritage, including but not limited to, churches, cathedrals, places of worship, monuments, landmarks, cemeteries and other buildings and artefacts, by inter alia terminating, preventing, prohibiting and punishing their vandalisation, destruction or alteration, and allowing Armenians to visit places of worship;

 ـ Azerbaijan shall facilitate, and refrain from placing any impediment on, efforts to protect and preserve Armenian historic, cultural and religious heritage, including but not limited to churches, cathedrals, places of worship, monuments, landmarks, cemeteries and other buildings and artefacts, relevant to the exercise of rights under the CERD;

 ـ Azerbaijan shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of the CERD;

 ـ Azerbaijan shall not take any action and shall assure that no action is taken which may aggravate or extend the existing dispute that is the subject of the Application, or render it more difficult to resolve; and

 ـAzerbaijan shall provide a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to its Order indicating provisional measures, no later than three months from its issuance and shall report thereafter to the Court every six months.”


 پاسخ آذربایجان به دعوای ارمنستان

12. At the end of its second round of oral observations, Azerbaijan requested the Court “to reject the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by the Republic of Armenia”.


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Principles of research ethics

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Aims and scope of the journal

Quarterly Journal of International Research, licensed by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, No. 85422 and with International Standard Issue (issn - 2783-1485) It is managed and published by prominent professors of humanities. This journal is designed to provide an intellectual environment for national and international researchers focusing on international topics (especially international law). Published in response to international advances and the identification of new dimensions of human rights, this journal aims to publish quality articles that report on findings related to important international issues. In this journal, like other journals of prestigious universities in the country, to facilitate identification and search, each article has a special identification number (doi) of the International Research Quarterly. And for easy and universal access to the latest research findings, this journal, as an independent scientific journal, provides articles in English to international researchers free of charge without any restrictions.

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پژوهش بین الملل

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